Maria Testemacher[1, 2]

Navn Maria Testemacher - Tessemaker og Testemaker oppgitt i registre fra Vestindia. [2]
Født - Utledet av dÃ¥psdatoen.
Døpt 5 Des 1731 St. Thomas [3]
Kjønn Kvinne Død før 1791 - Hennes mann var enkemann da han skrev sine testamenter 29. juli 1791.
Person ID I367 Kaas | Testemacher Sist endret 28 Feb 2012
Far P. Warnerius Testemacher, d. 20 Mar 1737, St. Thomas Mor Elisabeth Kemp, f. ca 1709 Gift 7 Mai 1727 St. Thomas [5]
- Kemp - Elisabeth marr. W. Testemaker 7.5.1727 St. Th. she was a daugther of Mylycke K. see 1.5.1729 [4]
Famile ID F1505 Gruppeskjema | Familiediagram
Familie 1 Gerhardt Moll, d. 1754, De Vestindiske øyer [6]
Barn 1. NN Moll, f. ca 1740 Sist endret 16 Mar 2011 Famile ID F1517 Gruppeskjema | Familiediagram
Familie 2 Johan Georg van John (von Johnn), d. før Jun 1765 [6] Gift 7 Des 1756 [7] Sist endret 19 Nov 2014 Famile ID F1518 Gruppeskjema | Familiediagram
Familie 3 Wentzel Rothkirch Kaas (mur), f. oct-dec 1733, Ribe, Ribe herred, Ribe amt , d. 09 Jun 1792, St. Thomas
(Alder ~ 58 år) [1, 6]
Gift 21 Jun 1765 St. Thomas [8]
- Registrert i forb m Wentzel R' s. død (registrert til 7 jun 1792)
Notater - Mollendal mellom Fish Bay og Genti Bay syd på St. John ble solgt etter hans død. Muligens menes det også Sieben, den andre av hennes plantasjer, som var nærmeste nabo i vest, over Fish Bay. [6]
- "Handwritten plantation reports by Dr. D?Jurco Vriehuus, dated January 12, 1805. Setting aside descriptions of soil types, noxious insects (borer, blast, grub), and diseases (he was an MD as well as a planter), they read in part:
"We then head farther down the Road to the Mollendahl Estate, where the humid air is scented by abundant bay rum trees (Pimenta racemosa). The estate was named by Gerhardt Moll for his son, who was sent to Holland for his education. Gerhardt was blind; we know this because his wife Maria, who inherited the estate as guardian in 1754, tells us so in an inscription she had engraved on his gravestone in the STT Danish cemetery. Maria led a troubled life?her son died before reaching his majority, so she remarried, passing title of the lands to her second husband, Commandant John van John, a duplicitous type who died in office. She tried again with Captain Wencel Kass, with whom she had two daughters before the plantation was sold."" [6] - Oppføring i "A list of The names of Inhabitants...":
"Kaas, Rodkirk died (40) 1.9.1770 (Watersot) marr. Maria von John 21.6.1765". Dødsdato er sammenfallende med "Werner Christian", men hustruen må være Maria Testemacher gift med Wentzel Rotkirch Kaas.
For øvrig står i samme kilde:
"Kaas, Winzel captain died 9.6.1792 St. Cr. mentioned (AArøe) 3.6.1764 St. Th. his daugther:
Malene Elisabeth bapt 1.12.1766 St. Th". [2]
Barn + 1. Magdalene Elisabeth Kaas (mur), f. 1766, d. ca 1844, Rendsborg (Alder 78 år)
+ 2. Elisabeth Kaas (mur), dp. 05 Mar 1777, St. Thomas , d. ca 1803, Altona, Tyskland
(Alder ~ 25 år)
Sist endret 18 Mar 2011 Famile ID F144 Gruppeskjema | Familiediagram
Kilder - [S05] Danmarks Adels Aarbog 1917 - slekten Kaas (mur) .
- [S71] A list of inhabitants of The Danish Westindian Islands, Hugo Ryberg.
- [S71] A list of inhabitants of The Danish Westindian Islands, Hugo Ryberg.
s. 530. - [S71] A list of inhabitants of The Danish Westindian Islands, Hugo Ryberg.
S. 291. - [S71] A list of inhabitants of The Danish Westindian Islands, Hugo Ryberg.
S. 530. - [S184] St. John Historical Society.
- [S1] Danmarks Adels Aarbog, (Danmarks Adels forening).
1938 - rettelser. - [S205] Personalhistorisk tidsskrift (dansk).
Rekke 2 - bind 4.
- [S05] Danmarks Adels Aarbog 1917 - slekten Kaas (mur) .